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About Showofff Showofff, an astounding digital platform to showcase your breathtaking talent to the world. A brand-new platform to discover and create entertaining videos. Our goal is to encourage creativity and enjoyment. We are here to promote and evolve the passion of Singing, Dancing, Acting, Comedy, Poems, Instruments and Concerts. All with the intent of creation with a loaded imagination. Kickstart your journey by uploading short 1 minute videos and reach others on our application.
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Create, view, and share short amusing videos of Singing, Dancing, Acting, Comedy, Poems, Instruments and Concerts. Make short and Entertaining videos to express yourself. Connect with your target audience and expand your reach.
I really enjoyed your singing and Karaoke.
The concert was very fun and exciting.
I really enjoyed-your dance steps.
I really enjoyed seeing you act.
I love watching you play the guitar.
Your comedy show was very funny.
Your poetry was very inspirational to me.
I really enjoyed-your dance steps.